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MAIN Lecture Series - Greener Project
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MAIN Lecture Series

MAIN Lecture Series

On Thursday, 07 December, 2023 at 2:00 p.m., the next MAIN Lecture# will be given.

Speaker: Dr. Johann Cussey (General Manager at AUREA Technology, Besançon, Frankreich)

Topic: Single-Photon Technologies: From Quantum Telecommunication to Quantum Sensing

Venue: TU Chemnitz, Research Center MAIN, Rosenbergstraße 6, 09126 Chemnitz, MAIN Conference Room C50.001-002

Online: mytuc.org/mnry (BBB „MAIN-Veranstaltungen“)

Hosts: Prof. Thomas Otto (Telefon 0371/531-36650, E-Mail: [email protected]) and Dipl.-Chem. Julia Hann (Telefon 0371/531-34156, E-Mail: [email protected])

This event is jointly organized by Research Center MAIN and Center für Microtechnologies (ZfM) of Chemnitz University of Technology in the framework of the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action GREENER.

Interested people are welcome to attend. Registration for participation in presence via e-mail [email protected] is kindly asked for.

Please find more detailed information on the MAIN Webpage.