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GREENER Project - The third General Assembly - Greener Project
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GREENER Project – The third General Assembly

GREENER Project – The third General Assembly

14 December 2023

On 6 and 7 December 2023, the third General Assembly of the Horizon Europe GREENER project was held in Chemnitz (Germany).

The meeting of month 12, exactly one year from the beginning, took place with active participation both in the presence of the Partners at the Research Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN), headquarte of Coordinator TUC (University of Technology in the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz) and remotely.

The first day focused on sharing the main updates by presenting the technical progress of the project with sharing of the main activities carried out in the first year and the most important results obtained:


  • Coordinator, TUC, focused on project management by sharing the plan for the new year (WP1);
  • Partner ENAS revealed the identified requirements and specifications for the spectroscopy setup (WP2);
  • Partner CICB togheter with TUC proposed the design and synthesis of DNA origami and the optimization of QD-DNA hybrids (WP3);
  • Coordinator, TUC, togheter with Partner AUREA shared the development of the single photon source by sharing technical and operational details (WP4), and the development of the single photon detector with a focus on a feasibility study and on the first tests on the prototypes completed and on those planned for the next steps (WP5);
  • Partner IFU focused on the design and simulation of the optical setup along with the spectrometer setup and its integration (WP6);
  • Partner ENAS togheter with Partner SOFTJAM shared reference measurements, laboratory techniques, data processing, validation of AI algorithms, challenges and expectations (WP7);
  • Partner WH showed the main communication and dissemination activities and exploitation of the results of the first year of the project, and shared the planning of training and dissemination events until the end of the project (WP10).

The first day of the meeting ended with the involvement of the participants in the first Lab Tour held at the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems.

The second day was dedicated to groups of thematic discussions on the different work packages, brainstorming, and a second Lab Tour at the MAIN-TUC during which it was possible to observe a live experiment on DNA origami and QDs demonstrated by the Project Coordinator.

The M12 General Assembly ended on 7 December with the first project training event, 1° MAIN-Lecture with a speach on “Single-Photon Technologies: From Quantum Telecommunication to Quantum Sensing” by Dr. Johann Cussey, General Manager of Partner AUREA. The event, open to public, involved both in presence and remote participants.

Events | Research Center MAIN | MAIN | TU Chemnitz (tu-chemnitz.de)